Life coaching in the great outdoors


When you think about a life coaching session what do you envision? Two people sitting opposite each other and chatting? Well, that is certainly one great way to coach. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Coaching should be a comfortable place for you and if that means moving it outside of that room then that’s what we will do!

Personally I love being outdoors and in nature. Whether that be walking, running, swimming, cycling or paddling. I know these are the times I feel most relaxed. So, I thought, if that’s where you, my fantastic coachee’s, feel relaxed too, why would I not coach you outdoors?

How does life coaching outdoors work?

In life coaching we work together to determine the goal you are working towards and then work with different techniques to get you there. All this is done by talking and listening. No fancy gadgets or equipment needed. There are times when it is good to pause and be still but that’s the great thing about being outdoors - we can always stop and do this.

Life coaching can be woven into a gentle stroll, a bike ride, running through the countryside, or the tranquility of a wild swim. It could be done sitting on a bench somewhere peaceful, or over coffee in the garden. It’s all about finding where you feel most comfortable . Where you feel most you!

What can life coaching outdoors help with?

Are you trying to make a decision in your life? Perhaps you have a change you want to make? Maybe a fear or phobia is stopping you getting where you want to be? Want to be healthier, find a new job, improve your confidence or build better relationships? These are just a few examples of where life coaching can help.

Together we craft an end goal and spend our sessions drawing out the great resourcefulness you already have to help you reach it.

I use NLP techniques to allow you to release yourself from unresourceful habits, states and feelings. I often talk of coaching as being like really good magic. A beautiful box of tricks which sprinkle greatness into your life and allow you to transport yourself exactly where you want to be.

Do you only coach outdoors?

I am just as happy coaching indoors as I am outside. It really does depend on you and your preference. Coaching can also be done via video call, perfect for those concerned about Covid 19 or people further away.

I am very lucky to have access to the gorgeous rooms at the Sage Therapy Centre in Nottingham. So, if you would prefer an indoor coaching session, please do contact me about booking some time there. It really is the most beautifully relaxing space.

Would you like to know more?

Coaching brings such joy to my life that I’m always happy to chat about it with others! If you would like to know more about how coaching outdoors (or indoors) can get you where you want to be please do get in touch.


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